Texas Shomrim Board Members
Jacob Novikov- President
Jacob started his Law Enforcement career with the New York City Police Department. While still a college intern for the NYPD he joined the NYPD Shomrim Society and decided he wanted to take a more active role in the fraternity by running for a board position once he became a police officer. Throughout his career at the NYPD he rose to the position of First Vice President. He is passionate about promoting the welfare of Jewish cops, as well as being a resource for those with less experience working with people of Jewish backgrounds.
Jacob left the NYPD in 2021 after a decade of service, and joined the Houston Police Department in Houston, Texas. He launched Texas Shomrim alongside Jeff Grossman as a means to continue building relationships and strengthening the connection between the Jewish community and first responder agencies.
Jeff Grossman - 1st Vice President
Born and raised in Canarsie, Brooklyn Jeff started his law enforcement career as a New York City Corrections Officer at Rikers Island in 1987. He relocated to San Antonio, Texas in 1989 to start a career with the Bexar Couny Sheriff's Office. Jeff has held positions to include: Master Peace Officer, SWAT, Hostage Negotiator, Counter Terrorism Team, Sheriff's Emergency Response Team.
In 2012, after 23 years of dedicated service Jeff moved over to the Texas A&M University Police Department in San Antonio, Texas. He currently holds the positions of Active Shooter Instructor, Mental Health Officer, Special Response Team, Dignitary Protection, Field Training Officer.
Over the years, Jeff has developed a relationship with the National Conference of Shomrim Societies for which he currently serves on the executive board as Sergeant at Arms. After hoping for years for a stand alone Texas Shomrim, that dream is now a reality. Jeff welcomes all our Brothers and Sisters!
Anthony Levey - 2nd Vice President
Anthony M. Levey, MA is an honorably retired Federal law enforcement leader, strategic thinker and problem solver with over 25 years law enforcement experience. Before his retirement from Federal service in 2018, he served as the Regional Director, for U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service, Northeast and Caribbean Region. In this capacity Mr. Levey was the Senior Official responsible for security and law enforcement for Federal facilities in New York, Northern New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. While serving in this role 2017, Mr. Levey was selected by DHS Secretary John F. Kelly to serve as Deputy Federal Security Coordinator for the 72nd United Nations General Assembly which was designated as a National Special Security Event.
During Mr. Levey’s lengthy career in law enforcement, he served as the Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Supervisory Special Agent, Special Agent, Municipal Police Officer, School Liaison Officer, and a Reserve Deputy Constable in multiple jurisdictions and with several different law enforcement organizations.
Mr. Levey’s scholastic achievements include a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership from Woodbury University and Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Oregon State University. Additionally, Mr. Levey has studied Terrorism and Homeland Security at the graduate level at Boston University. Mr. Levey is a graduate of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (SES CDP). While participating in the SES CDP Mr. Levey was detailed to the City of Los Angeles’ Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety.
Mr. Levey is member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Sheriffs Association, Association of Threat Assessment Professionals and Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association. Mr. Levey has received numerous awards and accolades including but not limited too; the DHS Secretary’s Silver Medal for Meritorious Service; five DEA Exceptional Performance Awards; DEA Award for Public Service and numerous other commendations.
Jeff (L) and Jacob (R) founders of Texas Shomrimg at the Salute to Israel Day Parade in New York City